They talk about us in the magazine of Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Roma
19 October 2023
Valeo and ICAP GROUP, owner of Tecnobus, finalize the agreement to prepare the future of mobility in Ferentino
7 May 2024Valeo and Tecnobus forge a strategic agreement to shape the mobility of the future in Ferentino.
Valeo and Tecnobus recently signed a letter of intent. The agreement outlines Tecnobus' acquisition of the Valeo site in Ferentino by the end of the year, marking a strategic step to preserve the know-how and future of the site and its staff.
Read what they say about us on Valeo - https://www.valeo.com/en/
Read the press review to learn more:
https://bourse.lefigaro.fr/ actu-conseils/valeo-tecnobus- reprendra-le-site-de- ferentino-en-italie-20231110
https://www.alessioporcu.it/ articoli/valeo-addio-al-suo- posto-arriva-tecnobus/
https://www.ilmessaggero.it/ frosinone/ferentino_tecnobus_ rileva_valeo_grazie_elettrico_ tiene_tutti_dipendenti- 7750240.html
https://investir.lesechos.fr/ actu-des-valeurs/la-vie-des- actions/valeo-cede-une-usine- italienne-a-tecnobus-2028238
https://www.capital.fr/ entreprises-marches/les- valeurs-a-suivre-a-la-bourse- de-paris-lundi-13-novembre- 2023-1485109