Presentation of the “Last Mile Mobility Hub” Project
25 June 2024
Sabaudia, un bus elettrico collegherà il centro al lungomare
8 August 2024Last Mile Mobility Hub
On June 27, 2024, a new chapter in the history of Tecnobus was written within the former Valeo plant.
Our CEO Paolo Marini presented the "Last Mile Mobility Hub" project for the redevelopment of the former Valeo site in Ferentino to a large audience of guests.
We thank all our guests, collaborators, and in particular:
Maurizio StirpePatron of Prima Sole Components and former Vice President of Confindustria
Angelo Camilli President of Unindustria
Piergianni Fiorletta Mayor of Ferentino
Claudio DurigonUndersecretary at the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies
Elena PalazzoCouncillor for Tourism, Environment, Sports, Climate Change, Energy Transition, and Sustainability of the Lazio Region
Tommaso Gecchellin from Next
Maurizio Martinelli CEO of Valeo Italy
Our CEO Paolo Marini presented the "Last Mile Mobility Hub" project for the redevelopment of the former Valeo site in Ferentino to a large audience of guests.
We thank all our guests, collaborators, and in particular:
Maurizio StirpePatron of Prima Sole Components and former Vice President of Confindustria
Angelo Camilli President of Unindustria
Piergianni Fiorletta Mayor of Ferentino
Claudio DurigonUndersecretary at the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies
Elena PalazzoCouncillor for Tourism, Environment, Sports, Climate Change, Energy Transition, and Sustainability of the Lazio Region
Tommaso Gecchellin from Next
Maurizio Martinelli CEO of Valeo Italy
Watch the service:
RAI TRE LAZIO - TGR LAZIO 19.30 - "Un polo per la mobilita' sostenibile" - (28-06-2024)
Read the press review to learn more:
Autobus Web - Tecnobus grows, relaunches, and expands: new factory and industrial partnership with Next Modular Vehicles
Il Messaggero - A European "hub" for sustainable mobility in Ferentino, Tecnobus's project to reconvert the former Valeo site
Frosinone News - Sustainable mobility, production of "last mile" buses at the former Valeo site in FerentinoTu News 24 - Sustainable mobility, production of "last mile" buses at the former Valeo site in Ferentino
Anagnia - Sustainable mobility, production of "last mile" buses at the former Valeo site in Ferentino
Camera di Commercio di Frosinone - Latina - "Last Mile Mobility Hub", the project presented The Chamber of Commerce alongside Vice President Marini